Proverbs 27:17

Proverbs 27:17

Thursday, September 12, 2024

Night Prayer

A Night Prayer

Jesus Christ, my God, I adore You and thank You for all the graces You have given me this day. I offer You my sleep and all the moments of this night. I place myself and all my loved ones, wherever they may be, in Your sacred side and under the mantle of Our Blessed Mother. Let Your holy angels stand watch and keep us in peace. Amen.
Night Prayer Video Podcast

Quote of the Night

Your name, O Mother of God, is filled with Divine graces and blessings.— St. Methodius of Sicily

Tonight’s Meditation

"The limited, miserable happiness of the egoist — who withdraws into his ivory tower, into his shell — is not difficult to attain in this world. But the happiness of the egoist is not lasting. For this false semblance of heaven, are you going to forsake the happiness which will have no end?" —St. Josemaria Escriva
An excerpt from 
The Forty Parables of Jesus

Examination of Conscience

The daily examination of conscience is an ancient Catholic practice. It's very simple, and it's designed to help us identify our sins and weaknesses so that we can improve and grow stronger in the spiritual life. Basically, it consists in taking a few minutes at the end of the day to prayerfully review our actions in the light of God's commandments. The Act of Contrition is often said afterwards. The daily examination also serves as an excellent ongoing preparation for regular Confession.

Reflect on the victories and losses

Actively reflecting on the high and low points of the day can help you live more intentionally and bring a renewed sense of resolve into the following day.

  • Review your actions, words, and thoughts today. Did you actively guard yourself against temptation? Where did sin creep in?
  • In what moments did you practice virtue and moral courage?
  • Were you attuned to the Holy Spirit's promptings today? Where did you feel His inspiration?
  • Ask Him for the graces necessary to follow His Will more purposefully tomorrow.

Act of Contrition

O my God, I am heartily sorry for having offended Thee, and I detest all my sins because of Thy just punishments, but most of all because they offend Thee, my God, Who art all good and deserving of all my love. I firmly resolve with the help of Thy grace to sin no more and to avoid the near occasions of sin. Amen.

Practice gratitude

It is God's love that has brought you into existence and to this exact moment. Practice looking for His hand in your day. 

  • Where did you feel His loving gaze upon you today?
  • What people or moments helped you see God in your life?
  • Thank God for all these moments!
  • Ask Him to help you recognize His blessings and providence tomorrow.

Renew your commitment to Christ

Remember our Faith is founded upon a Person—Christ! Renew your personal love and devotion to Him.

  • Thank God for the gift of His Son Jesus and our call to be His disciples.
  • Tell the Lord of your desire to know Christ more personally.
  • If possible, set an intention for your day tomorrow. Ask Our Lord to guide you in this act.
  • Pray a Hail Mary, Our Father, or another beloved prayer.

Rest with God

[He] made the Bear and Orion, the Plei′ades and the chambers of the south; Who does great things beyond understanding, and marvelous things without number.— Job 9:9-10
Good Catholic presents A Year of Devotions with Father Kirby.


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Community Through Healing

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Dear Friend,

In this month's Powerlines, I wrote about my daughter, Haven, entering high school as a freshman. Jesus did not have any biological children, but he did refer to one woman as “daughter” in the New Testament—the woman who has an issue of blood that we encounter in Mark 5, Luke 8, and Matthew 9. All three versions tell a profound story of miraculous healing and a significant moment of personal and theological insight. Jesus not only restores her physical health, but also reinstates her social and spiritual identity.

The Context of the Healing - The story unfolds as Jesus returns to the Jewish side of the Sea of Galilee and is met by a large crowd. Among them is Jairus, a synagogue leader, who begs Jesus to heal his dying daughter. As Jesus interacts with Jairus, the narrative takes a turn with the introduction of a woman who had been suffering from a hemorrhage for years.

Mark describes her prolonged suffering, worsening condition, and financial ruin from medical expenses. Despite all of this she believed in Jesus’ power. "If I just touch his clothes, I will be healed" (Mark 5:28). In a crowd, she touches his garment, an act of both profound faith and deep personal risk, given her ritual impurity according to Jewish law.

The Moment of Healing - When she touched Jesus’ cloak, Mark recounts that her bleeding stopped immediately. Jesus asks, "Who touched my clothes?" (Mark 5:30) inviting the woman to come forward. She falls fearfully before him and tells the whole truth.

Jesus addresses her as "daughter," a term that does more than simply respond to her confession. This redefines her identity—restoring her dignity. Jesus acknowledges her as a member of the family of God—encapsulating acceptance, endearment, and legal and social restoration. This woman changes from someone with no name to daughter-in-Christ.

The story of Jesus and the woman in Mark 5:21-33 highlights Jesus' inclusive ministry. Jesus’ use of "daughter" affirms her worth and place in the community of believers. In God’s kingdom, all are welcome and valued not for their social identities but for their inherent worth as children of God.

Can I count on you for your faithful and generous support? There are still so many people around the globe who do not know Jesus but need his healing touch. Like the nameless woman in Mark 5 who became a spiritual daughter, there are countless others who need a loving touch and encounter with the divine. Will you respond to the urgent call?

Thank you for helping us build such a strong, inclusive, and committed community here at Hour of Power. We wouldn’t be here without you! Will you please consider giving a gift to support the growth of this ministry? Lives will be changed because of YOU!


Always remember, that God loves you and so do I,

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