| | I am finding there is a richness to some of the words that I don’t always pick up just reading in English. To borrow the words of Princess Jasmine, it’s a whole new world. That world can be very confusing, and it can be rewarding. | Continue Reading |
| | Christian men – including born-again, Spirit-filled, faithful followers of Christ – went through the motions on Sunday morning. They attended church only to keep their wives happy. Or they had stopped attending altogether. | Continue Reading |
| While the church has spawned a variety of other belief groups, Pentecostalism is considered a renewal movement in the Christian church. Here are 10 things to know about the Pentecostal church. | Continue Reading |
| | The Great Commission passage is clear that we cannot be stagnant in sharing our faith. It is vitally important for us to create an everyday mission field. | Continue Reading |
| | | Of course, we must not focus on Jesus’ resurrection only on Easter or even only on Sundays. For believers who truly grasp the impact of the gospel in their lives, the resurrection will be our life-long theme. Because we know that, “Because he lives, [we] can face tomorrow!” | Continue Reading |
| | The secret to getting back on your feet after a plot twist in life is to find the ONE THING that motivates you more than anything else in life to rebuild. | Listen Now |
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