By Fred Gillett, Pastor
"For all things are for your sakes, that grace, having spread through the many, may cause thanksgiving to abound to the glory of God."
-2 Corinthians 4: 15
When the Lord allows us to be in situations that necessitate our dependence on, and trust in, him we are able to recognize his sovereignty in our lives. As I reflect back over my life, I can see several situations in which God was in control, and my physical and spiritual life was spared.
I originally accepted the Lord when I was five or six years old at a small Baptist church during summer Vacation Bible School. After we moved from that house and that church, my faith was not nurtured by those around me, but the Lord recognized my heart and began his protection of me.
Every difficulty that God has allowed me to experience has had significance not only for me, but also for those with whom I interact. It is extremely important to have a perspective on life that recognizes God working in and through us so that he might touch others. I thank God for that little church on the corner and the VBS leaders who were used to give me a life protected by Christ.
As the Lord works his grace into and through my life, I will never know "that grace, having spread through the many," who the "many" are. God's grace is at work in people's lives when we say, "Thank you," and smile in his love. Such words "cause thanksgiving to abound to the glory of God."
Prayer: My God and Father, thank you for your protection, allowing me to be a part of your plan. Thank you that that in and through me you will encourage people to trust in you. Amen.
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