Proverbs 27:17

Proverbs 27:17

Tuesday, June 14, 2022

God's shining face...

God's shining face...
"Look to the Lord and his strength; seek his face always." -Psalm 105:4
When life gets us down-we've been hurt, disappointed, rejected-our first reaction may be to hide under a blanket, stick our heads in the sand, or dive deep into denial. We think, incorrectly, that by doing so, we'll never be set up to be hurt again. However, hiding from the truth only delays growth and our ability to embrace new possibilities. We must seek the Lord and depend on his strength to get us through.
Prayer: Thank you, Lord, for allowing me, in my weakness, to lean on your strength. Help me to lift up my faith up to see your face so that I can have renewed hope in your amazing plan for my life. Amen.
Reflection: Is there any area of your life where you're in denial in order to prevent more hurt and pain? Instead, lean on God's strength and ask him to reveal your next step. As you prayed the prayer above, what possibilities popped into your head? List them and then lift them to the Lord for his blessing and guidance.

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