No Saint Without a Past, No Sinner Without a Future This Week's EpisodePastor Bobby teaches from John chapter 4, the story of the Samaritan woman at the well. This woman is searching for something and finds the living water that can only come from knowing God. Her past does not keep her from fulfilling her destiny. God can heal your heart and change your future! Today’s message: “No Saint Without a Past, No Sinner Without a Future.” The Hour of Power Choir and Worship Team, featuring vocalist Fernando Munoz and directed by Steve Caudill, performs “O God, Our Help in Ages Past” (Isaac Watts; William Croft; arr: Tommy Walker; orch: Dave Williamson). The choir is accompanied by the Hour of Power Orchestra, Susan Caudill on organ and Bob Emmett on piano. Déborah Rosenkranz is an acclaimed German vocalist who discovered her passion for music at a young age. As a teenager, Déborah began her fight with anorexia and bulimia which would last for several years. Nearly succumbing to her eating disorders, Déborah’s life was forever changed by her mother’s heartfelt prayer, and started her path to healing. Since her recovery, Déborah has made a career of her passion for music, achieving monumental success. Today, Déborah performs her newest song, “The Answer” (Deborah Rosenkranz). She is joined by back-up singers Natalie Gonzalez and Juan Castaneda, and is accompanied by Dr. Marc Riley and the Hour of Power Orchestra. |
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