Proverbs 27:17

Proverbs 27:17

Friday, July 19, 2024

Bible Study - Saturday at 8:00 AM PDT on 07/20/2024.

Hello All,

Summer continues - we water the garden and keep a watchful eye on the horizon for wildfire smoke. We are prayerfully thankful. 

Please find our Zoom Link and Bible Study notes below for this Saturday's session at 8:00 AM PDT on 07/20/2024.  

Please continue to pray that we all flourish in 2024 as each day we lift our crosses to follow Jesus. Please join us on Saturday to continue our study of 2 Timothy. We are very appreciative that many have to adjust their daily routine because of varying time zones. 

We love that some seek us out on their phones while doing chores or travelling or shopping. We understand the demands of busy schedules. 

We love seeing you all, getting to know you and keeping abreast of all you do. Thank you for tuning in for as long as you are able. We encourage you to share your stories, activities and prayers. Each story is unique and inspirational, your journey is yours, a human journey, no one else has the same story, and each story is important to God and to us. It is encouraging to hear how and when the Holy Spirit reveals Himself to us. As your brothers and sisters in Christ, we are enriched when we are included in knowing your story. 

From the writings of Paul, 2,000 years ago, we learn about the early Christian church, ourselves and our society today. We review what Paul wrote to Timothy, and us, informing us how to navigate the shoals of community life in the church.

In reading Paul, I am struck with the idea that there are no coincidences, only God's guiding hand. Please pray for our national leaders while remembering Paul's words - they are timeless.  

Join us - as we follow Jesus' followers as they carry His word to the 'ends of the earth'. What an experience they must have had. And what an experience we have when we carry the exact same message. Yes, the same message! 

Please remember that you bless us with your presence, and may the Holy Spirit bring you His wisdom and His understanding.

Zoom Link:
For Study, Prayer and Fellowship - 8:00 AM PDT on 07/20/2024:
Passcode: 77299ere:

Study Notes:

07/20/2024 – It would not be appropriate to begin our study without commenting on what happened a week ago in Butler, Pennsylvania. The most significant thing is President Trump survived an assassination with a superficial flesh wound. Thank you, God. If the assassin had been experienced, he would not have missed at such a close range. I and many others, including Mr. Trump correctly believe it was the hand of God. God is not yet finished with Mr. Trump. I will refrain from making further comments about anything else regarding this fateful day, except to say there were colossal errors made by those respon-sible for Mr. Trump’s security. The longer it takes to tell the entire story and the persons responsible accept their responsibility the more we all will anticipate a nefarious plot.


[2Timothy 3:10-17] – Continue in the Scriptures - One can sense the exquisite power in these verses as Paul wrote them to Timothy. When reading Paul, think 2024 AD.; not 67 AD. These seven verses are for each of us. Do not be engulfed by the spirit of timidity and be steadfast in the face of false teachings. We all have had doubts about the Bible and one day we get a sense of stirring, of energy, of life. We feel God’s creative breath. [v.16] We often hear the gospel is, inspired, a word that Paul did not use. Here are three reasons why. First, we use inspired to describe many things in life, but that is to things that are well done, The Bible is much more than a good performance. Look at what God created when He spoke. Second, inspired in this context implies that Paul/others are God’s photocopy machine. Every book of the Bible has the writers’ own style and appreciation of events. Third, to use inspired would imply there is a consistent theology in the Bible. That would be a system-based constriction on all that we personally derive from our studies. It would fly in the face of the liberty gifted to us by God. The Bible is rich in unity and diversity which allows the Bible to be relevant in any age. That is why the Bible can transform lives [v. 15] as the Holy Spirit speaks to us, making us wise, able to rescue ourselves; saving ourselves from the downward spiral of sin and grasp God’s forgiving grace, as we become part of His new creation. Here is the crucial aspect: We must learn to let scripture have its way with us – not the other way around. If we do, if we allow scripture to come into our grasp the living God (Jesus Christ) will be unveiled to us. As we read and ponder and wonder this knowledge of God works deep into our consciousness and unconsciousness. It uses all its modes: story, poetry, symbol, history, theology and exhortation. It gives us the true material/information to transform our lives and be part of the process. [v. 16] Paul says the gospel is useful for learning (teaching) and often clearly informs us that some- thing in our lives does not align with God’s will (rebuking) Will we hear God’s gentle voice imply that we must take heed – it applies personally – pay attention. What usually stands in the way? Pride! Remember righteousness is a combination of goodness and justice which God wants to see in all His children. The aim [v. 17] is not to squash people as they try to order their lives, but to help people who belong to God to become complete and richly human -reflecting God’s image. To simplify Paul’s message: T. has watched and listened to Paul; now he is alone and must stand firm in what he has learned, even though evil people both inside and outside the church seem to go from bad to worse. Some will deceive themselves, some others and some may lead many to believe a lie and get angry when folks disagree with them. Life is never easy for those who live and preach the gospel. But with scripture in their heads and hearts they will be able to hold their faith, grow their faith and teach others.


[2 Timothy 4:1-5] – Judgement Is Coming – So Get On with Your Work – We all have a clock ticking on our lives. We have an allotted time, but without a revealed end. We never know how close we are to the final hour. Paul lived this and he wanted T. to do so as well. Ask, are we ready: to give a final account, to face scrutiny, an assessment and judgment? In Paul’s time, many said (2d coming) will happen soon and stopped working. [Thess.] Paul adds a step, since we do not know (time) and judgment is coming – get on with your work. What does he tell T. to do? Announce the word: the Bible and Christian message – Jesus is Lord. The only ‘Bible’ early Christians had was the oral story of the resurrection. Paul tells T. that he must keep going even when it does not feel right. Some-times words are just not there. The reasons: political pressure, internal or external; spiritual atmos-phere; unresolved conflict; lack of prayer. Then what may happen: challenged by local magistrates; failure to delve deeply into truth; convert sermons into safe Hello All,

Summer continues - we water the garden and keep a watchful eye on the horizon for wildfire smoke. We are prayerfully thankful. 

Please find our Zoom Link and Bible Study notes below for this Saturday's session at 8:00 AM PDT on 07/20/2024.  

Please continue to pray that we all flourish in 2024 as each day we lift our crosses to follow Jesus. Please join us on Saturday to continue our study of 2 Timothy. We are very appreciative that many have to adjust their daily routine because of varying time zones. 

We love that some seek us out on their phones while doing chores or travelling or shopping. We understand the demands of busy schedules. 

We love seeing you all, getting to know you and keeping abreast of all you do. Thank you for tuning in for as long as you are able. We encourage you to share your stories, activities and prayers. Each story is unique and inspirational, your journey is yours, a human journey, no one else has the same story, and each story is important to God and to us. It is encouraging to hear how and when the Holy Spirit reveals Himself to us. As your brothers and sisters in Christ, we are enriched when we are included in knowing your story. 

From the writings of Paul, 2,000 years ago, we learn about the early Christian church, ourselves and our society today. We review what Paul wrote to Timothy, and us, informing us how to navigate the shoals of community life in the church.

In reading Paul, I am struck with the idea that there are no coincidences, only God's guiding hand. Please pray for our national leaders while remembering Paul's words - they are timeless.  

Join us - as we follow Jesus' followers as they carry His word to the 'ends of the earth'. What an experience they must have had. And what an experience we have when we carry the exact same message. Yes, the same message! 

Please remember that you bless us with your presence, and may the Holy Spirit bring you His wisdom and His understanding.

Zoom Link:
For Study, Prayer and Fellowship - 8:00 AM PDT on 07/20/2024:
Passcode: 77299ere:

Study Notes:

07/20/2024 – It would not be appropriate to begin our study without commenting on what happened a week ago in Butler, Pennsylvania. The most significant thing is President Trump survived an assassination with a superficial flesh wound. Thank you, God. If the assassin had been experienced, he would not have missed at such a close range. I and many others, including Mr. Trump correctly believe it was the hand of God. God is not yet finished with Mr. Trump. I will refrain from making further comments about anything else regarding this fateful day, except to say there were colossal errors made by those respon-sible for Mr. Trump’s security. The longer it takes to tell the entire story and the persons responsible accept their responsibility the more we all will anticipate a nefarious plot.


[2Timothy 3:10-17] – Continue in the Scriptures - One can sense the exquisite power in these verses as Paul wrote them to Timothy. When reading Paul, think 2024 AD.; not 67 AD. These seven verses are for each of us. Do not be engulfed by the spirit of timidity and be steadfast in the face of false teachings. We all have had doubts about the Bible and one day we get a sense of stirring, of energy, of life. We feel God’s creative breath. [v.16] We often hear the gospel is, inspired, a word that Paul did not use. Here are three reasons why. First, we use inspired to describe many things in life, but that is to things that are well done, The Bible is much more than a good performance. Look at what God created when He spoke. Second, inspired in this context implies that Paul/others are God’s photocopy machine. Every book of the Bible has the writers’ own style and appreciation of events. Third, to use inspired would imply there is a consistent theology in the Bible. That would be a system-based constriction on all that we personally derive from our studies. It would fly in the face of the liberty gifted to us by God. The Bible is rich in unity and diversity which allows the Bible to be relevant in any age. That is why the Bible can transform lives [v. 15] as the Holy Spirit speaks to us, making us wise, able to rescue ourselves; saving ourselves from the downward spiral of sin and grasp God’s forgiving grace, as we become part of His new creation. Here is the crucial aspect: We must learn to let scripture have its way with us – not the other way around. If we do, if we allow scripture to come into our grasp the living God (Jesus Christ) will be unveiled to us. As we read and ponder and wonder this knowledge of God works deep into our consciousness and unconsciousness. It uses all its modes: story, poetry, symbol, history, theology and exhortation. It gives us the true material/information to transform our lives and be part of the process. [v. 16] Paul says the gospel is useful for learning (teaching) and often clearly informs us that some- thing in our lives does not align with God’s will (rebuking) Will we hear God’s gentle voice imply that we must take heed – it applies personally – pay attention. What usually stands in the way? Pride! Remember righteousness is a combination of goodness and justice which God wants to see in all His children. The aim [v. 17] is not to squash people as they try to order their lives, but to help people who belong to God to become complete and richly human -reflecting God’s image. To simplify Paul’s message: T. has watched and listened to Paul; now he is alone and must stand firm in what he has learned, even though evil people both inside and outside the church seem to go from bad to worse. Some will deceive themselves, some others and some may lead many to believe a lie and get angry when folks disagree with them. Life is never easy for those who live and preach the gospel. But with scripture in their heads and hearts they will be able to hold their faith, grow their faith and teach others.


[2 Timothy 4:1-5] – Judgement Is Coming – So Get On with Your Work – We all have a clock ticking on our lives. We have an allotted time, but without a revealed end. We never know how close we are to the final hour. Paul lived this and he wanted T. to do so as well. Ask, are we ready: to give a final account, to face scrutiny, an assessment and judgment? In Paul’s time, many said (2d coming) will happen soon and stopped working. [Thess.] Paul adds a step, since we do not know (time) and judgment is coming – get on with your work. What does he tell T. to do? Announce the word: the Bible and Christian message – Jesus is Lord. The only ‘Bible’ early Christians had was the oral story of the resurrection. Paul tells T. that he must keep going even when it does not feel right. Some-times words are just not there. The reasons: political pressure, internal or external; spiritual atmos-phere; unresolved conflict; lack of prayer. Then what may happen: challenged by local magistrates; failure to delve deeply into truth; convert sermons into safe reflections; or trim the content? Paul’s counsel – keep going, do not waiver. Paul repeats this, [1 Cor.], T. was young, perhaps shy or anxious and needed advice or reassurance. This is a point where wisdom and action interact. Many are called to teach/preach and we have a delivery style. We must ascertain if it is effective. Are we assertive enough to be heard? Too assertive, arrogant, bullying or justifying aggression(s)? [v. 2] There are times when it is necessary to lay down the law. We are required to make things clear, but do so with patience and a well-structured explanation. We cannot simply rebuke people. We must warn people of the dangers of their belief or behavior or the necessity of not deviating from their current course. We must explain the why and the roots for the why. This takes patience, a trait usually not present in bullies.


Paul now has a warning for T.; he justifies why T. should continue with patient, truthful teaching. [v. 3-4] Paul warns that soon the folks within the Christian Community will no longer wish to hear the teaching that will keep them spiritually strong and healthy. It is rather like the physician who tells a patient that many foods he likes are not good for him. And rather than adjust his diet the patient seeks another physician. Many folks in the West move from church to church seeking a message their ears long to hear. These folks want to hear: they are all right; they do not need to learn anything new; they do not have to change their behavior(s); they do not have to obey the rules; nor all that old ‘stuff’ about Jesus; nor all the stories one finds in the gospel. Why? Because there are different stories and different ways to look at Jesus. People will look until they find what they want. Then they think they can rest and lo, they drift unaware that a reckoning is coming. Accounts will be reconciled! T. must be aware of this danger. [v. 5] This is a sober statement of what our Christian ministry is all about: T., you have received a call – get on with it. And keep your balance. Yes, it will be challenging and difficult at times. But …, no one promised you a Rose garden. Continue to announce that Jesus is Lord. Success will not be measured in worldly terms. AMIN


Love, hank

Hank Hohenstein, OFS
Land Steward
161 Osprey Vista
Shady Cove, OR 97539
Cell: 541-973-5442; or trim the content? Paul’s counsel – keep going, do not waiver. Paul repeats this, [1 Cor.], T. was young, perhaps shy or anxious and needed advice or reassurance. This is a point where wisdom and action interact. Many are called to teach/preach and we have a delivery style. We must ascertain if it is effective. Are we assertive enough to be heard? Too assertive, arrogant, bullying or justifying aggression(s)? [v. 2] There are times when it is necessary to lay down the law. We are required to make things clear, but do so with patience and a well-structured explanation. We cannot simply rebuke people. We must warn people of the dangers of their belief or behavior or the necessity of not deviating from their current course. We must explain the why and the roots for the why. This takes patience, a trait usually not present in bullies.


Paul now has a warning for T.; he justifies why T. should continue with patient, truthful teaching. [v. 3-4] Paul warns that soon the folks within the Christian Community will no longer wish to hear the teaching that will keep them spiritually strong and healthy. It is rather like the physician who tells a patient that many foods he likes are not good for him. And rather than adjust his diet the patient seeks another physician. Many folks in the West move from church to church seeking a message their ears long to hear. These folks want to hear: they are all right; they do not need to learn anything new; they do not have to change their behavior(s); they do not have to obey the rules; nor all that old ‘stuff’ about Jesus; nor all the stories one finds in the gospel. Why? Because there are different stories and different ways to look at Jesus. People will look until they find what they want. Then they think they can rest and lo, they drift unaware that a reckoning is coming. Accounts will be reconciled! T. must be aware of this danger. [v. 5] This is a sober statement of what our Christian ministry is all about: T., you have received a call – get on with it. And keep your balance. Yes, it will be challenging and difficult at times. But …, no one promised you a Rose garden. Continue to announce that Jesus is Lord. Success will not be measured in worldly terms. AMIN


Love, hank

Hank Hohenstein, OFS
Land Steward
161 Osprey Vista
Shady Cove, OR 97539
Cell: 541-973-5442

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