Proverbs 27:17

Proverbs 27:17

Thursday, January 16, 2020


Would you appreciate having a second chance in some area of your life? The prophet Jonah experienced the grace of God, who gave him a second chance after he tried to escape God's calling on his life. Most of us know the story well ... but do we see ourselves as we look into the mirror of Jonah's life?

Jonah was called by God to go and preach against the wicked city of Nineveh. Instead, he rebelled, boarded a ship, and sought to hide from God's call. God stirred up a storm that resulted in Jonah being thrown overboard into the sea and swallowed by a whale. While in the belly of the whale, Jonah came to his senses. After being spit up on the beach, the rebellious prophet went to preach to a rebellious people who suddenly repented from their sins.

Our gracious, loving, and patient Father in heaven providentially places us in the "belly of the whale" from time to time to get our attention. Though the place we find ourselves in might seems a bit counterintuitive (not to mention uncomfortable), it's actually a place of safety that prepares us to seize the opportunity for the second chance God give us to fulfill the unique ministry that we have received in the Lord!

This coming Lord's Day, we'll take a look at how the lessons that Jonah learned from the God of the second chance apply to our lives! See you Sunday!!

Your servant in Christ,

The Rev. Dean F. Schultz - Christ The Redeemer Church in Springfield, VA

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