Proverbs 27:17

Proverbs 27:17

Sunday, July 31, 2022

The Babylon Bee

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Breaking News: Grant Park


Dear friend,

The Biden administration's radical push to redefine "sex" has reached a new low: Taking lunch away from poor kids.

The administration is reinterpreting Title IX to redefine "sex" to include sexual orientation and gender identity. Florida's Agriculture Commissioner, Nikki Fried, is poised to block schools-including religious schools-from school lunch funding if they don't comply with this radical redefinition.

This is an urgent problem for those attending Grant Park Christian Academy in Florida. We're fighting back with an immediate lawsuit. And your help is critical!

This egregious, reality-bending mandate applies to all school activities. Curricula. Hiring. Athletics. Restrooms. Even pronouns. Comply or you don't get funding.

Your Christian school doesn't think it's fair for males to compete on girls' sports teams? Sorry-no lunch for your students. The administration is essentially saying: Bend the knee to radical gender ideology, or kids go hungry.

This is government overreach at its absolute worst. It's sacrificing the health and well-being of children for an ideology.

Grant Park Christian Academy is being told that they must either abandon their beliefs or lose lunch funding for their underprivileged students. The school serves children from a low-income, minority community in Tampa, all of whom receive financial aid to attend. For most, what they get at Grant Park is the best meal they eat all day.

School starts August 10. And right now, Commissioner Fried is poised to block the school's lunch funding.

Our team filed a federal lawsuit against Fried and the Biden administration. Your gift right now will help fuel this legal effort to defend religious freedom and make sure Grant Park Christian Academy students can stay in the school lunch program.


President Biden's mandate punishes low-income children simply because they attend Christian schools.

We won't stand for it-will you?

With classes scheduled to start soon, the need is urgent.

Please make a gift right now to stand against President Biden's radical mandate, protect religious freedom, and save school lunches.


For our kids,

Alliance Defending Freedom

P.S. Kids need food, not rainbow politics. Your gift of $75 or more right now will help fuel the lawsuit against the Biden administration to hold it accountable for placing ideology above religious freedom and kids' needs.

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