Proverbs 27:17

Proverbs 27:17

Tuesday, March 14, 2023

God's eye is on you...

Dear Peter, 

I hope this note finds you well. As I’ve been reflecting on the end of winter and the coming of spring, I’ve been reminded of what a gift it is to be on the journey of discipleship with you. 

In life, we all weather many seasons (and some are difficult), but the fact that we’re in it together gives us hope and makes the walk more meaningful. I can’t imagine what my call to ministry would be like without your constant support and prayers, and I want you to know how much your partnership with Hour of Power means to me. You are part of our family, and you matter to us. 

I was very encouraged recently by a story I read from Jeremy, who lives in Africa. He wrote, “My prayers are with the team at Hour of Power; your ministry has had a great impact on my family and friends in Rural Zimbabwe. May your ministry continue to bring many to a saving knowledge of the Lord Jesus.” 

These are the kinds of testimonies that your friendship helps us create (read more stories like this here). Because of you, chains are being broken, lives are being turned around, and people are finding freedom from the shame and brokenness of their past.  

As we look ahead to spring, I want to encourage you with a few articles from our Powerlines newsletter that highlight some of the good things happening at the ministry. Just click on any of the links to read more. 

  • In honor of Sparrow Partners, I wrote this story called “Lessons From Our Feathered Friends.” You can read it here

  • In another article, my beautiful wife Hannah shares her thoughts onfocusing on God’s Word. You can read it here

  • Learn more about how the Holy Spirit is moving through recurring Nights of Healing here

  • And find out how to leave a legacy that will outlast you. Just click here

Finally, Peter, if you haven’t yet, I’d also like to ask you to consider joining a special group of friends called Sparrow Partners, who uphold our ministry with a gift of just $20 per month. When you commit to Sparrow Partnership, you increase your impact by supporting us with a pledge that enables us to plan, grow, and expand. And should you choose to support us as a Sparrow Partner, we’ll thank you by sending our exclusive Sparrow Bell Chime. You can learn more here

I’m very grateful for you, and I’m praying you’ll be blessed as you grow in Jesus and share His love with those around you. 

God loves you and so do I,

Bobby Schuller

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