Proverbs 27:17

Proverbs 27:17

Tuesday, May 30, 2023

Turning negativity into positivity

Hi Peter, 

As you may know, my grandfather, Dr. Robert H. Schuller, gave hundreds of inspiring and life-changing messages in his years of preaching. His many powerful invitations to adopt “possibility thinking” have impacted millions of people through the decades, including me! 

One of his sermons that continues to minister to me to this day is from Isaiah 2:4, which speaks of turning “swords into plowshares.” In other words, with God’s help, it is possible to take what is negative and bring forth something positive from it. 

From the invention of the ice cream cone, the hot dog, and the potato chip to my great-grandfather’s tragic encounter with a tornado, my grandpa gives example after example of how God is able to transform the terrible things in life into something glorious. 

I invite you to watch his sermon on this topic on YouTube here:

Our dedicated ministry team has been hard at work creating a digital archive of my grandfather’s sermons so that they can be shared with millions more people. We’ve started uploading these classic TV episodes to a new Hour of Power Classics YouTube channel. I encourage you to subscribe to this channel so you don’t miss any of these inspiring episodes as they get added.  

Activate your subscription here:

Peter, I don’t know what you’re facing right now, but Jesus does. If doubt is weighing you down, don’t forget that God can take your sword and turn it into a plowshare! He can take what’s bad in your life and bring about something new and good from it—if you will let Him.

I pray that His love will open up your heart to the many God-sized possibilities in your life today! 

God loves you and so do I,

Bobby Schuller

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