Proverbs 27:17

Proverbs 27:17

Saturday, October 14, 2023

Why Pray in the Morning? - 15 Blessed Morning Prayers to Begin Each Day


Why Pray in the Morning? - 15 Blessed Morning Prayers to Begin Each Day

At anytime of day we can take our worries and concerns before God. But starting a new day in prayer is a wonderful way to seek God's peace and strength for the day ahead!  Morning prayers can be as simple or as complex as you like, but the important thing is to find a prayer that communicates your heart's desires to God. 

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The Conflict in Israel: What Can I Do?

We've compiled a number of ways Christians can come together in prayer and action to support those affected by the conflict in Israel and Gaza.

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The Ultimate Guide to Family Fun This Autumn

Are you breathing in the Autumn air and getting excited for all that comes with this cozy season? If you are looking for creative ways to create lasting memories with those you love, this guide is for you! It includes alternatives to celebrating Halloween, romantic date ideas, soup recipes, activities to do with your grandkids, and more!

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5 Ways to Love Your Neighbor This Halloween

There is just something warm and inviting about Autumn that makes the heart swell with excitement. Much of this is because in the Autumn, we begin the start of the holiday season, and for several, that includes Halloween or a Harvest Festival of sorts to kick off a season of celebration. 

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10 Ways to Know You’re Becoming More Christlike

The marks on the back door tell of the growth of the children over the years. The clothing in back of the closet the kids can no longer wear speak of the growth of your young’uns. The escalating cost of schoolbooks as the kids move into high school and then into college bear eloquent testimony to the maturation of the offspring.

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Unconditional Conference, Andy Stanley, and LGBTQ+ Issues in the Church

North Point Community Church, which is pastored by Andy Stanley, recently hosted a conference that caused quite a stir. Called the Unconditional Conference, the two-day event was geared toward helping Christian parents of LGBTQ+ children navigate their relationships with the children.

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Kelly Clarkson Duets With Unsuspecting Street Busker Before Concert

Life is a series of unexpected twists, turns and detours. From one day to the next, no one can adequately and entirely predict what will happen. Sure, everyone has free will and makes decisions and choices daily that will guide the direction of their life. But there are instances when events are out of our control, like the people we may encounter.

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Mom Rejoices After Her Identical Triplets Are Born After A Doctor Said It Would Never Happen

Doctors told her it was impossible. But this 46-year-old mom proved them wrong when she naturally conceived and gave birth to identical triplets, making her a mom of 7!

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