Dear Peter, Are you grieving over events that seem out of your control? Let me encourage you with the reminder that every single day, we get to decide the values we are going to live by and the life we are going to live. And in times like these, every good and positive choice we make sends ripples of hope across the globe. When people around us are hurting, lost, or lonely, our willingness to treat them with kindness and respect makes all the difference. It’s one of the ways we all have the power to do good in the world around us. | At Washington National Cathedral, we are trying to create ripples of hope, too. Your support is critical to that work. Your generosity makes it possible for us to offer comfort and hope to thousands of people every week through worship, music and dialogue. Will you make your next gift today? If we can raise $300,000 by June 30, we can bring our fiscal year to a strong close. And if you give now, your gift can double in impact through a $50,000 challenge fund created by some good friends! |
Perhaps more than anything else, your Cathedral is a place of hope. Thank you for supporting that hope with your gift. |
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