12/14/2024 – Prologue – “Carry each other’s burdens, and in this way, you will fulfill the law of Christ.” [Gal. 6:2] Helping others reflects Christ’s love. Galatians teaches that tolerance involves compassion and support, reminding us that we fulfill God’s will by bearing with others in love. We are burdened by sin and Jesus lifted that burden from us. How do we repay Jesus? In the same way Jesus helped us, we lift others' worldly burdens. Please remember to think about the expression, “Robbing Peter to pay Paul.”
Jesus went (taught) outside the synagogues because the rabbis did not respond favorably to His message and His unorthodoxy made Him enemies. Though His message was directly from scripture. This ultimately led to His death. In that moment of great despair Peter asserted his leadership of Jesus’ few surviving followers. Note: The revolution starting with Jesus’ public ministry is the only enduring revolution - ever. Peter, because he played a major role in aiding Jesus’ ministry, was able to build upon the facts of Jesus’ - life, death and resurrection to make it possible for Christianity to grow. It gave Christianity the power, as a religion, to become far larger than Judaism from which it erupted. It is Peter who had the greatest influence in those first, dark hours and he was prominent in beginning the process of transmitting Jesus’ thoughts and perceptions to the vast majority of the human race. Peter’s belief was unwaveringly absolute and it was his sole focus, nothing else mattered. Societal values today lack Peter’s focus. Values today in the public square are relative and subjective; which leads us to be prone to compromises, however, Jesus’ standard remains plain and urgent. Be assured that Jesus’ standards will survive the slippery, sliding vanity filled thoughts of today. The events of July 13, 2024 in Butler, PA validate that statement.
[2 Peter 1:12-21] – Prophecy Made Sure – Just so we may be certain, “So I will always remind you of these things “ [v.12a] Those are Peter’s words and I intend to appropriate them. He continues, “even though you know them, and are firmly established in the truth you now have.” [v. 12b] Three verses later Peter says, “And I will make every effort to see that after my departure you will always be able to remember these things.” Peter does not say that a leader will be charged with the responsibility of reminding us of his words, this is an announcement of diffuse leadership. We are all admonished to remember them. Peter refers to the ‘morning star’ (Venus) [v.19] which ‘shines in your hearts’ as a symbol of Jesus’ promise to return which will signal God's great coming day. What Jesus began, is interrupted and will be completed upon His return. We are to know that Peter knows his time to die is approaching. [v. 12-15] He was warned by Jesus. [John 21:18-19] Peter may also have been given a later word. [v.14] It was important that his readers continue to hold the truth. The death of an apostle must not mean the decline of his teachings. Jesus has already been revealed to Peter, James and John on the mount of transfiguration [Mark 9:2-8] This is the only time outside the first three gospels that anyone refers to the transfiguration when Jesus was in radiant white talking with Moses and Elijah and a voice from heaven said, “This is my son, whom I love, listen to Him.” Peter claimed this is not a myth. This eye witness allowed the apostles to look back at all the untidy, unclear signposts pointing the way to what was to come and in retrospect it now made sense. [Num. 24:17] (A prophecy of the Messiah.) Peter now realized the story of Jesus reached an interim climax with the glory of the transfiguration. One could now read ancient Jewish Scripture and know the end from the beginning. We can now see the Messiah and the fulfillment of that promise leads us to accept that we will share in the divine matter. This is the only scripture that brings those two thoughts together.
It is critical to remember that no ancient Jew or student of Jewish sacred scripture had a ‘road map’ to guide this small group of Jesus followers. Here is what they knew: God’s glory would be revealed, the temple would be rebuilt, and the Messiah would appear to save His people. That all had happened, not quite as they had expected, but it had hap-pened and the resurrection and the transfiguration proved it. What they had not expected was that there would be a lag time between the appearance of the Messiah and the final end, the dawning of the great day. There were no guiding words as to the length of the interim period or even why it should exist.
It was up to the apostles, led by Peter, to explain from scripture why there was a delay and what one should do during the delay. Peter explains we are guided by [v. 19] – we have witnessed Jesus’ birth, life and coming (public ministry); death; resurrection; and transfiguration have confirmed the prophetic words of scripture. We must hold on to these as we hold a bright light in the darkest hour of night until Jesus finally reappears, as the morning star, prepared to begin God’s great final, eternal day. But, … But, suppose the reading of scripture was merely a Christian reading (interpretation). Peter is very clear here: This is not for private interpretation. It is not our decision. Scripture was not written because certain individuals decided to write poetry or history. [v. 20-21] Behind all of the words, styles, genres, and authors was divine inspiration. The human mind was not by-passed, situations were not glossed over, but God’s word was breathed through human words. Individuals were moved by the Holy Spirit and spoke from God. Were they aware [Amos? Jeremiah?] or not aware [Ecclesiastes?] is not the point. The point is Jesus was present in the fulfillment of all that was written.
Peter firmly grasps two truths, and we should as well: ancient scriptures and Jesus Him-self, as the newly revealed son of God. As during Jesus’ lifetime, we do not see who He was and what He did until we understand them and where they were going. (1-2, 2-1)
We need the scriptures and the Son for the prophecy to be proven (made certain). And then we need to hold them until the morning star shines within us and through us -outwardly into a broken world. AMEN
Love, hank
Cell: 541-973-5442
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